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Search Results for "Two teens charged with posting threats toward Hilliard Davidson High School"
Two teens charged with posting threats toward Hilliard Davidson High School
Police: Female student accused of posting social media threats toward Hilliard Davidson
Two students charged after threatening Instagram posts discovered
Hilliard Davidson High School to have increased police presence following online threat
17-year-old Hilliard Davidson student arrested, charged after bringing handgun to school
Teen sentenced to 4 years in prison for Hilliard-Davidson HS murder plot
Teen indicted on charges of conspiracy to commit murder at Hilliard Davidson HS
15-year-old Hilliard student charged after threatening Instagram posts discovered
School shooting plot shut down
Hilliard mom says more at-home aides are needed, agencies incentivizing employees
Students Grieve For Sophomore Killed In Crash
Hilliard Davidson SRO Sam DiSaia